Wednesday, July 31, 2013

US trip - part I

Emily, Katie and I were able to go back to the US for a few weeks in July.  Chris joined us a week later.  The trip was busy, hectic and stressful.  It was also really, really, really great to be back even for a short while.  We all realized how much we missed our friends and family. 

drank my dinner on the plane - no excuses
The first week, we stayed with our parents (thanks Jichan, Grandma and Charlie!), and spent time running lots of errands and shopping.  Like many families on home leave, we also packed all the doctors' & dentists' appointments into a few days.  I almost cried with joy going into Target.

girls in tissue paper gowns, waiting for possible shots
Emily had her ears pierced while we were in the US.  We went to the mall, and she had it done along with her best and oldest friend Ima.  So lucky that the Nooch family moved back from NJ just a few weeks before.  Another reason to miss Pasadena.

ears pierced - check it out!
best neighbors ever
The most asked question was "How is it living in China?".  I could spend so much time answering that question.  Living in China is an experience that changes constantly.  Life is so much easier in the US.  But China really is where the future is.  This country is growing so fast, and modernizing so fast.  It's really apparent that large chunks of the population are left behind.  But for those that can adapt, and modernize with the country, the sky really is the limit.  And of all the cities to live in, Shanghai is the most influential.
  But that being said, I never felt more at home than in our old neighborhood in Pasadena.  I am so lucky to have so many friends that made our family feel so welcome.  Grand Oaks Avenue is the perfect place to live & raise a family.  Hands down.

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